
Showing posts with label Beauty Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty Tips. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

மணமகள் அலங்காரம் எப்படி இருக்க வேண்டும்

மணமகள் அலங்காரம்

மணமகள் 'மேக்கப்' இயற்கையாகவும், சூழ்நிலைக்கு ஏற்றவாறு இருப்பதுடன், முகத்தில் உள்ள புள்ளிகள், பருக்களின் வடு, தோலில் இருக்கும் சுருக்கங்கள் தெரியாதவாறு மறைத்து விட வேண்டும். இவ்வாறு செய்யும்போது, முகம் பளபளப்பாகவும் மிகுந்த பொலிவுடனும் காணப்படும். அதே நேரம், அழகுப் பொருட்கள் தோலில் அதிக நேரம் இருப்பதால், அலர்ஜி மற்றும் பாதிப்பு வராமல் இருப்பதற்கு, தரமான அழகுப் பொருட்களையே உபயோகிக்க வேண்டும். மேலும் முகத்தில் உள்ள மேடு, பள்ளங்களைக் கவனித்து மேக்கப் போடுவது மிகவும் அவசியம்.

மணப்பெண் சிகை அலங்காரம், மற்றொரு முக்கியமான பகுதி. மணப்பெண்ணுக்கு ஹேர் ஸ்டைல் செய்யும் முன், முன் பகுதியை அழகுபடுத்துவது மிக முக்கியம். பெண்களில் சிலருக்கு நீண்ட, தடிமனான முடி இருக்கும். அவர்களுடைய முக வடிவத்துக்கு ஏற்ப, சிகை அலங்காரம் செய்திட வேண்டும். சிலருக்கோ முடி குறைவாக இருக்கும். அவர்களுக்கு தகுந்தபடி முன் பகுதியை சரி செய்யும் விதமாக, ஹேர் ஸ்டைல் செய்வது மிக முக்கியம். மணப்பெண்ணின் உயரம், பருமன் ஆகியவற்றைக் கணக்கிட்டு, முடி அலங்காரம் செய்ய வேண்டும்.

குட்டையான கழுத்துள்ள பெண்களுக்கு, சற்றே தூக்கியவாறு கொண்டையும், நீளமான கழுத்துள்ள பெண்களுக்கு, கழுத்தை மூடிய அளவுக்கு இறங்கும் கொண்டையும் போடுவது அழகாக இருக்கும்.

முடியைத் தூக்கி காட்டுவதன் மூலம், முகத்தை உருண்டையாக காட்ட முடியும். இதில், முகத்தின் முன்பகுதி அமைப்புக்கு ஏற்ப, மொத்த முடியையும், பின் நோக்கி இருப்பது போல், பின் பக்கமாக சீவுவதோ அல்லது நாடு வகிடு எடுத்து, இரண்டு புறமும் பின்புறமாக சீவி, முகத்தின் வடிவத்துக்கு ஏற்றார் போல் உயர்த்திக் காட்டலாம்.

நடுவில் வகிடு இருக்கும் இடத்தில், அழகிய நெற்றிச் சுட்டியை வைக்கலாம். இதில், இன்னொரு முறையும் உள்ளது. அது, காதின் ஒரு பக்கத்தில் இருந்து மறு பக்கத்துக்கு பின்புறமாக தலையை சீவ வேண்டும். இதில், நெற்றிச் சுட்டி வைக்க முடியாது.இந்த மாதிரி முன்புறம் சரி செய்யும்போது, முன் நெற்றியில் ஒட்டிக் கொள்ளும் சுட்டி கிடைக்கிறது. அவற்றை வைத்துப் பொருத்திக் கொள்ளலாம்.

மாலை, ரிசெப்சன் அலங்காரத்தில், கொண்டை விரும்பாதவர்கள், பின்னல் போட்டு பின்னிவிட வேண்டும். அக்காலத்தில், மணப் பெண்ணிற்கு, பூக்கள் மூலம் ஜடை செய்வர். ஆனால், இப்போதோ, பின்னலின் மேல் ஜரிகை, முது, பூக்கள் மற்றும் கற்களால் செய்யப்பட்ட மோடிவ் ஆகியவற்றைக் கொண்டு அலங்கரிக்கலாம்.

Friday, January 3, 2014

தேங்காய் எண்ணெயில் இருக்கு ஆரோக்கியம்

தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் அதிக ஆற்றல் தரக் கூடியது. 100 கிராம்  எண்ணெய்  884 கலோரி ஆற்றலை உடலுக்கு வழங்குகிறது. இதில் 85 சதவீதம் பூரிதமான கொழுப்பு சத்து உள்ளது. நீண்ட காலம்  கெட்டு போகாத ஆயுள் கொண்டது.

தென்னையின் வேரில் இருந்து குருத்து வரை எல்லா பாகங்களிலும் மருத்துவ குணங்கள் நிறைந்துள்ளன. புரத சத்து , மாவுச் சத்து, பாஸ்பரஸ், இரும்பு உள்ளிட்ட தாது பொருட்கள், வைட்டமின் சி, அனைத்து வகை 'பி' காம்ப்ளெக்ஸ் சத்துக்கள், நார்ச் சத்து என உடல் இயக்கத்திற்கு தேவைப்படும் அனைத்து சத்துக்களும் தேங்காய் எண்ணெயில் உள்ளன. தேங்காய் பால் உடல் வலிமைக்கு நல்லது.

லூரிக் அமிலம் எனப்படும் கொழுப்பு அமிலம் அதிக அளவில் உள்ளது. இதுவே தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் உறையும்  வெள்ளை நிறத்தை தருகிறது. வேறு பல உண்ணக் கூடிய கொழுப்பு அமிலங்களும் உள்ளன. இவை உடலுக்கு ஆரோக்கியம் தர வல்லவை. 232 டிகிரி வெப்ப நிலையில்தான் தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் ஆவியாகும் என்பதால் காய்கறிகளை சமைக்க ஏற்றது.

லூரிக் அமிலம், கார்பாரிக் அமிலம், காப்பிரிலிக்  அமிலம், காப்ரோயிக்  அமிலம் போன்றவை பூரிதமாக கொழுப்பில் 68 சதவீதம் அடங்கி உள்ளது. ரத்த ஓட்டத்திற்கு நன்மை பயக்கும், குளிர்ந்த தேங்காய் எண்ணெயில் வைட்டமின் இ குறைந்த அளவு உள்ளது. தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் சித்த மருத்துவத்தில் பல்வேறு மருந்துகளில் சேர்க்கப் படுகிறது. தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் தடவி வந்தால் தீப்புண் விரைவில் ஆறும். கூந்தல் வளர்ச்சிக்கு சிறந்த டானிக். தேமல், படை, சிரங்கு போன்ற நோய்களுக்கு தயாரிக்கப்படும் மருந்துகளில் பெருமளவு தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் சேர்க்கப்படுகிறது. மாதவிடாய் ஏற்படும்போது, அதிக உதிரப்போக்கு கட்டுப்பட, தென்னை மரத்திலிருந்து எடுக்கப்படும் சாறு நல்ல மருந்து.

வெள்ளைபடுதலுக்கு தென்னம் பூ மருந்தாக பயன்படுகிறது. தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் தயாரிக்கும்போது கிடைக்கும் புண்ணாக்குடன், கருஞ்சீரகத்தையும் சேர்த்து, தோல் நோய்க்கான மருந்து தயாரிக்கப்படுகிறது. தேங்காய் சிரட்டையில் இருந்து தயாரிக்கப்படும் ஒருவித எண்ணெய் தோல் வியாதிகளை குணப்படுத்துகிறது.

தேங்காய் பால் நஞ்சு முறிவாக பயன்படுகிறது. சேராங்கொட்டை நஞ்சு, பாதரச நஞ்சு போன்றவற்றிற்கு தேங்காய்ப் பால் நஞ்சு முறிவு. தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் கொண்டு தயாரிக்கப்படும் தைலங்கள் பல்வேறுபட்ட புண்களை குணப்படுத்துகின்றன. 'மீடியம் செயின் பேட்டி ஆசிட்' தேங்காயில் அதிகம் உள்ளது. உடலில் உள்ள கொழுப்பை குறைக்கும் கார்பாரிக் ஆசிட், லாரிக் ஆசிட் ஆகிய இரண்டு அமிலங்களும் தேங்காயில் போதிய அளவு உள்ளது. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

முகத்தின் கருமையை போக்கும் இயற்கை பொருட்கள்

முட்டை : முட்டையை உடைத்து ஒரு பௌலில் ஊற்றி, அதில் சிறிது தேன் சேர்த்து கலந்து, முகத்தில் தடவி நன்கு காய வைத்து, பின் குளிர்ந்த நீரில் கழுவினால், கரும்புள்ளிகள் மறைந்துவிடும்.

பப்பாளி : பப்பாளியும் கரும்புள்ளியைப் போக்கும் பொருட்களில் சிறந்தது. எனவே நன்கு கனிந்த பப்பாளியை மசித்து, அதில் பால் மற்றும் தேன் சேர்த்து கலந்து, முகத்தில் தடவி உலர வைத்து அலச வேண்டும்.

கடலை மாவு : கடலை மாவை பால் மற்றும் எலுமிச்சை சாறு ஊற்றி கலந்து, வேண்டுமெனில் அத்துடன் சிறிது தேனையும் சேர்த்து, முகத்திற்கு மாஸ்க் போட்டால், இயற்கையாகவே கரும்புள்ளிகள் போய்விடும்.

கற்றாழை : கற்றாழையின் ஜெல்லை கரும்புள்ளிகள் உள்ள இடத்தில் தினமும் தடவி மசாஜ் செய்து கழுவினால், நாளடைவில் கரும்புள்ளிகள் வருவதை தவிர்க்கலாம்.

வேப்பிலை : வேப்பிலையை நீரில் போட்டு கொதிக்க வைத்து, அந்த நீரில் ஆவிப்பிடித்து, முகத்தை நல்ல சுத்தமான துணியால் துடைத்தால், கரும்புள்ளிகள் போய்விடும்.

சந்தனம் : சந்தனப் பொடியில், சிறிது மஞ்சள் தூளை சேர்த்து, தண்ணீர் ஊற்றி பேஸ்ட் போல் கலந்து, முகத்திற்கு தடவி 20-25 நிமிடம் ஊற வைத்து கழுவ வேண்டும்.

பட்டை : பட்டையை பொடி செய்து, அதில் தேன் ஊற்றி கலந்து, பாதிக்கப்பட்ட பகுதியில் இரவு படுக்கும் போது தடவி, காலையில் எழுந்து கழுவினாலும் நல்ல பலன் கிடைக்கும்.

பாதாம் : பாதாமை இரவில் படுக்கும் போது பாலில் ஊற வைத்து, காலையில் எழுந்து பேஸ்ட் போல் அரைத்து, முகத்தில் தடவி கையால் மென்மையாக மசாஜ் செய்து, 10 நிமிடம் ஊற வைத்து, மீண்டும் பாலை முகத்தில் தடவி, சிறிது நேரம் மசாஜ் செய்து, வெது வெதுப்பான நீரில் அலச வேண்டும்.

டூத் பேஸ்ட் :
கரும்புள்ளிகள் உள்ள இடத்தில் டூத் பேஸ்ட் தடவி காய வைத்து, பின் மென்மையாக மசாஜ் செய்து, 5-10 நிமிடம் ஆவி பிடித்து, காட்டனால் தேய்த்து எடுத்து, இறுதியில் குளிர்ந்த நீரில் கழுவினால், சருமத்துளைகளில் உள்ள அழுக்குகள் வெளியேறுவ தோடு, சருமத்துளைகளும் மூடிக் கொள்ளும்.

ஆலிவ் ஆயில் : 5-6 டீஸ்பூன் ஆலிவ் ஆயிலில், 1 டீஸ்பூன் உப்பு சேர்த்து கலந்து, அதனை முகத் தில் தடவி 10 நிமிடம் மசாஜ் செய்து, பின் ஆவிப்பிடித்து, ஈரமான துணியால் தேய்த்தால், கரும்புள்ளிகள் எளிதில் நீங்கி விடும்.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Go Drinking For Beautiful Skin

The way to get gorgeous skin need not involve getting expensive treatments and following fad diets. Your regular beverages can also do more good than you can imagine. Grab that cuppa right away.

Green tea
You have been reading about its numerous benefits. As unbelievable able as it may seem, a cup of green tea goes a long way in keeping problems like pimples, skin aging, inflammation in check. It is extremely high in antioxidants, so you are also protected against damaging free radicals which accelerates premature ageing.

Coffee helps to get rid of acne and eczema by free radicals in the skin, which reduces the onset of skin-related problems such as acne and eczema. It further acts as an effective sun block and prevents sunburn and wrinkles. It also helps in treating redness and inflammation of the skin, reduces the appearance of under-eye circles and also helps get rid of cellulite.

Black tea
Worried about digestion? A cup of black tea helps in works with the gastric juices to help the stomach break down certain foods. Black tea is known for balancing the hormone levels in the body and it also has anti-inflammatory properties. 

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera juice helps in detoxify the body which helps clear up the skin.  It is also known to stimulate the growth of red and white blood cells.

Lavendar tea
In case of a stomach ache, a cup of lavender is known to soothe your senses. It can also help to deal with liver and gallbladder problems. One of the important uses of lavender tea is that helps induce sleep and cure insomnia.

Three Natural Tips For Better Hair

We all want better hair and smoother skin. Beside the parlour routine, there are couple of things you can do at home to nurture both—using kitchen ingredients and a mix of oils.

Saying that you want better hair also defines that you don’t obsess over it. On days when you come home thinking you had a bad hair day, you can improve the situation by softening those curls in the evening.

Moisturise with oils
Detangle your hair, and gently massage your scalp with your fingertips, even if you don’t want to apply oil. If you do, try using something light like a cold compressed geranium and rose flavoured one or even olive oil. Just the massage will stimulate your scalp and improve the quality of your hair. Shefali Mody believes in mixing different oils so she can benefit from the good properties of each—she does that for both her hair and her skin. While aroma oils relax your mood, a few of them can also set right metabolic disorders and hair problems when massaged to the scalp, says dr Sudha of Soukya

Hair tonic
Naturapathy expert Nirmala Shetty suggests a home remedy from the kitchen that has never gone wrong. A mix of amla juice, beetroot juice, curd, half and egg and a few drops of lime juice, applied to the scalp before the shampoo can do wonders to the quality of your hair. She uses fresh fruit juices and pulp, dry fruits, herbs and vegetable pulp that are rich in various properties to treat concerns like hair fall and dandruff among others. Aloe vera pulp makes for a great hair conditioner.

Exotic rub a dub
Beauty therapist Manjul Gupta who trained under Shahnaz Husain has created a range of eco friendly, natural powders using exotic fruit and herb, mixing them with different density oils and then customising it for each customer. Elements like seaweed, frangipani, avocado, oatmeal, green tea, coconut milk are used in their hair spa treatments to moisturise and nourish the scalp. These exotic ingredients tighten and rejuvenate your scalp, and make your hair glow.

Beauty Tricks Every Girl Needs

Stay one step ahead of the beauty pack with flawless makeup and perfectly styled hair with this beauty cheat sheet.

For killer cheek bones

Not all cover girls, ramp queens or beauty pageant winners can boast of great bone structure. Even they need a bit of help, from a makeup expert of course!

Insider trick: For a nice high-cheekbone effect, firstly, you have to suck your cheeks in and find your cheek bone. Then, use a darker shade of blush underneath your cheekbone and blend up till your temple. Finish with a lighter shade, which has a metallic undertone for that touch of high-fashion glamour.

Tip: The key is to find a blusher that works and complements your complexion. Now you know!

For the perfect glow

A perfect, blemish-free and even skin tone is something that makes celebs and models stand out and photograph well. Most of them follow a healthy diet, skin-care regimen and exercise regularly, which invariably results in fabulous skin.

Insider trick(s): Natural oxygen treatments and multi-vitamin infusions work wonderfully on the skin. Dermabrasions and peels are also easy and effective ways to complete skin care. If you’re not very pro skin treatments, a few makeup touches can give you a flawless finish too. Apply concealer on any odd scars, spots or dark circles if any. Blend it well with your foundation. It’s essential to blend in the foundation on your neck and any exposed area for an even and perfect look. Make sure you follow up the foundation with a compact.

Tip: Make a trip to the dermatologist, who’ll advise a treatment that suits your skin the best. Blend in your concealer and foundation for an even better coverage. 

For mesmerising eyes

Beauty queens often resort to using false eyelashes to help them get those dreamy eyes. That’s too much trouble for daily wear.

Insider trick: Instead, use an eyelash curler to accentuate your lashes. Apply two generous coats mascara for added volume. Use kajal in the upper inner lid to highlight your eyes.

Tip: Make sure to use a smudge-proof kajal so that the definition doesn’t fade out.

For salon-like hair

Start with a great hair cut. It’s important to choose a style that’s easy to maintain even after you’ve left the salon. 

Insider trick: Treat your hair to deep conditioning masks before attempting to style. They fill the hair with the essential moisture, which in turn leaves less scope for atmospheric humidity to get trapped in your hair and cause problems.

Tip: To look like a super model/screen goddess—just part a front section to create a sweeping fringe—and then loosely pin up the remaining hair, and you’re ready for the shutterbugs!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Deal With Hair Fall Now!

There are currently only two approved drugs to tackle hair loss—Minoxidil which is sold as a scalp leave-on lotion or mousse formulation and Finasterise, a prescription-only drug that inhibits an enzyme that is responsible for modification of testosterone. But to ensure that the problem of hair fall from the root is eradicated from the root, you must follow an all-round approach that makes your hair healthy and strong. We ask hair experts and doctors for advice to help you deal with all your hair fall woes.

Cosmetic care
From natural herbal extracts to cellular metabolism and blood flow promoters, there are many formulations available in the market that claim to control hair loss. However, if these products actually did what they said, they would be classified as drugs, since they would be modifying a physiological function. Go for these products only after discussing with your doctor as they may not suit you or may have other side-effects on your body.

Shampoo and conditioner
These products deliver a higher wet and dry lubrication to the hair fibre by depositing silicone and other lubricating materials to the fibre while washing. This, in turn reduces the force required to detangle fibres during combing and brushing, thus controlling hair loss. Ask your hairdresser or beauty consultant to lead you on to a shampoo and conditioner suitable for your hair type. Do get this consultation done from time to time. If a shampoo and conditioner suited you last summer, it does not mean that it will continue to suit you now as well. Hormonal upheavals, weather changes, health issues and many other factors guide what will suit your hair at a given point in time.

A hair fall rescue system worth trying
Proteolytic enzymes break down the protein links and ‘glue’ in our hair that keeps it fixed to the scalp. Dove Hair Fall Rescue System has developed a technology containing Trichazole which reduces the activity of the proteolytic enzymes that contribute to hair fall. Studies also showed that the application of the Trichazole Leave-on Intensive Root Treatment increased the force required to remove hair from the skin model, indicating the product can increase the anchoring strength of a hair fibre. This is one product that is definitely worth a try.

Diet for your tresses
Products and medication can help address the problem but for long-term health of your hair, providing nutrition to your hair through a correct diet is also important. You are what you eat, after all. So if you want healthy hair, putting some food on your plate especially for your hair may not be a bad idea. Consider adding these foods to your daily diet

  1. Salmon: For omega 3, Vitamin B12 and iron
  2. Dark green vegetables: For vitamins A and C
  3. Beans: For iron, zinc and biotin
  4. Eggs: For biotin and vitamin B12
  5. Carrots: For vitamin A

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

10 Weirdest Beauty Ingredients

 1. Snake venomThe new must-have poison in the latest beauty products wish-list is snake venom, an ingredient believed to steer the wrinkles away from your face. There are no positive results proved from the rancorous beauty ingredient yet people are ready to take the risk.

2. Umbilical cord
Novo Solutions MD has added a new dimension to the famous 'cord of life' - umbilical cord. Their scientists have launched a new anti-ageing product by extracting cell-free blood from the umbilical cord after the baby's delivery for making their famous beauty products line which by the way enjoys a huge success rate.

3. Beauty and the breast
Who would've thought that breast milk meant for your baby will turn into a famous beauty ingredient? Some midwives from Killmaster Soapworks, a natural soap manufacturing company became popular after using human breast milk, an uncanny ingredient for making soaps. Incidentally, they have received great response.

4. The catty smellGet catty and go on a prowl when it comes to choosing your perfumes, literally! The civet musk or civetone, a base substance for making high-end perfumes and colognes, is obtained from perineal glands of cats found in Asia and Africa. A perfect ingredient to unleash your wild instincts, believe perfumers!

5. Smashed cochineal beetles
Before you flaunt that red sexy pout or the hot blush on your cheeks, think again! There is a possibility you may be applying smashed cochineal beetles on your face, an ingredient used to get the deep crimson dye in cosmetics. If you've an aversion towards insects, read your beauty labels more carefully.

6. Whale's vomit
Whale's vomit known as ambergris (yes it has a name!) is used for making perfumes. Easily spotted on some American and Australian beaches, the substance is usually washed up by the waves. But it's only a fixative stuff that remains with an earthly and sweet odour which is used in perfumes.

7. Precious placenta
Placenta has become an essential ingredient for skin creams, applied on the face by beauty-obsessed women! The product now comes with a great packaging and is not at all as gruesome as it sounds.

8. Snail's secretions
From being a tried-n-trusted beauty ritual in the ancient times to being a high-end ingredient in beauty products, the snails' slime has crawled a long way on to heal all the skin problems faced by humans! In fact, it's such a pricey affair now that some women use the raw snail slimes available naturally in the gardens for their skin nourishment.

9. Nightingale's poop
Envy the flawless beauty of Geishas? Well, they sing a different tune when it comes to their facials with nightingale poop as their major ingredient. The uric acid content in this substance is supposed to do wonders for your skin. In fact, several spas in UK are following suit with this alternative beauty route.

10. Bull semen
Shampoo, conditioner and hair spas are passé. The new revolutionary product in hair care as vouched by some Europeans is bull semen. The proteins in the semen are supposed to make your hair healthy and add shine and volume to it.

5 Beauty Benefits Of Olive Oil!

Olive oil is known as the elixir of the Mediterranean. But few recognise its beneficial effects on beauty, having been popularised in India on platforms of nutrition and health only. While it’s great to sprinkle over salads and meats, if used regularly on your skin and hair, you can be transformed into someone with a well toned, soft and glowing demeanour.

To moisturise your skin:
If you have dry skin, a massage once a week with olive oil is perfect as it penetrates deep into the skin layer and nourishes it. It has got an ingredient called squalene that improves the elasticity of your skin. Soaps that contain olive oil have less Ph levels as compared to others, and are gentle for the skin. Baby massages can also be done using olive oil.

Nourish your hair:
Nourishing your hair with a mix of egg yolks and olive oil would help renew damaged hair cells, and deep condition them, making them shiny and lustrous. The hydroxytyrosol has anti ageing properties and this makes the hair shaft and root strong.

Nail care:
If you have brittle toenails, the best remedy is a smear of olive oil before you sleep at night. Like castor oil, which has similar benefits, olive oil soothes, heals and nourishes nails and cuticles around the nail bed making them grow stronger. If you have time, you can also soak your feet in a bowl of warm water with a few spoons of olive oil, lemon juice and any other fragrant aromatherapy oil (just a drop).

Tending to eyes:
Olive oil applied around the eyes will help reduce dark circles. You can also use it to remove eye makeup instead of a chemical based cream or astringent, as the oil will be nourishing too. You can find polyphenols in olive oil that have anti ageing and anti inflammatory properties that nourishes the skin.

Soft lips:
For those who want to avoid chapped or dark lips, dab olive oil, especially if you are going out in the sun. Olive oil has essential vitamin E that helps protect dry lips and skin from strong UV rays.

Beauty Secrets In Your Kitchen

Sometimes, you don’t have to spend thousands of rupees or exceed your credit card limit for great skin-care. Here are some humble beauty heroes from your kitchen.

Irrespective of your complexion, pigments and patchy skin can be a buzz kill. Mint is not just good for your breath or for garnishing on your pasta, but it has superior purifying abilities. Once a week, use a face mask made of fresh mint leaves. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water. This will help tighten pores, reduce sun burns and tanning.

Turmeric is a one-stop solution to skin problems. Some wise guy discovered this and this gave way to haldi ceremonies before the wedding, considering there weren’t any expensive skin-care products or facials back then. It has a list of benefits—like antibacterial and anti-ageing properties, reducing pigmentation and stretch marks, and even curbing facial hair growth. If stretch marks are your worry, a mixture of turmeric, gram flour (besan) and raw milk/rose water/yogurt will help lighten the marks and even out the skin tone. The pack should be applied daily and kept until it dries completely.

Your favourite breakfast staple can work wonders for your dry and damaged hair. The yolk is rich in fats and proteins, which makes it a great natural moisturiser, while the white, which contains bacteria-eating enzymes, removes unwanted oils. For normal hair, use the entire egg to condition hair; use egg whites only to treat oily hair; use egg yolks only to moisturise dry, brittle hair. Once every two weeks, use half a cup on clean, damp hair. Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water and shampoo hair.

It doesn’t just coat your yummy waffles and pancakes, but honey also has the ability to absorb and retain moisture and this helps in keeping the skin well hydrated, fresh and supple. Get rid of those menacing dead skin cells with a natural scrub created with honey. Combine honey, lemon juice and then add sugar. Gently rub on your skin in a circular motion and leave it on for 10 to15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Rock salt
Reiki therapists believe that bathing with rock salt removes negative energy from your body. There seems to be some science behind it. Dip yourself in rock salt water and the minerals and nutrients in the salt get delivered to your body cells in the form of ions to facilitate their absorption by your body. This causes an improvement in the appearance of your skin by increasing circulation. 

50 Things Every Bride Must Know

Getting married is not a cake walk! It takes a lot of hard work, preparations and amidst all this hustle bustle, we are bound to miss out on some simple yet extremely important things. So here is a quick check list of 50 such things that no bride should EVER forget.

1.    Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth before your wedding. You’ll be hugging a lot of people and bad breath is a strict no-no!
2.    Avoid underarm sweat patches by using an antiperspirant before putting on that heavily embroidered sexy choli.
3.    Avoid smoking! If you must smoke, keep some mints handy to do away with that cigarette smell!
4.    Make sure you adopt a moisturizing routine for your hands and feet well before your wedding day.
5.    Nothing beats the natural look. For yours, make sure you eat healthy, avoid alcohol and start a cleansing process.
6.    Have a trail run of your wedding day look. Hair, makeup, clothes, jewellery, the works. Better safe than sure!
7.    Getting a bikini wax is a personal decision; stick to what works best for you - waxing, shaving or using hair removal creams. If you can handle a little pain, waxing will see you hair-free throughout your wedding preparation and your Honeymoon.
8.    Dandruff is a strict no-no. If you have a problem, go for a specialised anti-dandruff treatment.
9.    For that day long freshness, drink plenty of water or fruit juice and stay as calm as possible.
10.    Don't spray perfume or deodorant on your wedding outfit! They're meant for your skin and can stain the fabric.
11.    Dark circles can ruin those wedding photos. Make sure you rest your tired eyes and get a decent night’s sleep.
12.    Smile. No matter what, smile. Someone is always looking at you or taking a picture. And you don’t want a surprise!
13.    A flash of skin is fine, just go easy on the cleavage though. You father, grand-father, and may be great grandfather too may be present.
14.    Any new beauty treatments should be tried one month before rather than a day before the wedding.
15.    Before your wedding you should practice your make up at home. Don’t be tempted to try anything new on the day. You should test the make up in natural light and on camera before the big day.
16.    Choose a hair and makeup look that bests represent you. What may suit on Vidya Balan may just not look good on you.
17.    Consult your gynecologist if your periods are due on the wedding night or during honeymoon.
18.    A good exfoliating scrub helps you get rid of dead skin cells. Periodic exfoliation will lead to glowing skin on your wedding day.
19.    Whether you have a complexion like Katrina Kaif's or not, it's still a good idea to visit a dermatologist.
20.    Go for photo-rejuvenation to take care of color imperfections in your skin. This treatment should be done for 3 months before wedding.
21.    Skin polishing helps get rid of acne scars, black heads while giving a polished look to your skin.
22.    About a week before your Big Day, make an appointment with your dentist; get your teeth polished so they are ready for that great smile.
23.    Remember to pack your makeup remover when you head to the hotel. The bridal makeup is too thick to be washed away with water alone.
24.    Don’t drench yourself in perfume. A subtle fragrance is more pleasing to the senses than the overwhelming ones.
25.    Going for back- facial is a good option. It cleanses tones and exfoliates the exposed body parts like shoulder and back.
26.    Lip color should be coordinated with the color of the blush. If not done so, blush appears too harsh.
27.    While applying blush, do not go too far below the cheekbone, as it will pull the face down visually.
28.    Avoid eating oily food and drink lots of water for radiant skin. Regular exercising will give you a healthy looking and glowing skin.
29.    Do not rush out for facials just few days before the “Big” day. Those extreme facial procedures may lead to harsh effect on your skin.
30.    Steam facial is a good option because it enhances the complexion of the bride and also it proves to be relaxing for her.
31.    Brides often choose to wear open toed footwear. In this case, special attention needs to be given to foot care.
32.    Getting a regular manicure done gives a healthy and smooth look to the bride’s hands. It prevents the hands from getting dry.
33.    A bride should take hair spa, full body massage. The sole aim behind doing it is make a bride look exceptionally fresh and beautiful.
34.    Have a handful of blueberries on your cereal as they're packed with anti-oxidants, fantastic at preventing fine lines.
35.    Bridal lingerie should be the last thing on your shopping list. Breast area is the first to get affected due to change in weight. The wrong size bra can play havoc with your neckline.
36.    Stop drinking alcohol at least two weeks before the wedding. It reduces puffiness and makes you look fresh.
37.    It is amazing how just a little workout with those tiny-winy dumbbells tones your arms. Needless to say, toned upper arms will make you look all the more amazing on your D-day. So let go of the laziness and pick up some weights. You can thank us later.
38.    Wedding music: this is a very important bit! Make sure to brief the DJ to not play Hindi picture wedding songs that are bound to make you and your family members emotional. You don’t want to keep crying through the entire ceremony.
39.    Don’t worry and stay calm should be your mantra during the few days before and after your wedding. And worrying about how your one set of friends will get along with the other set should be the last concern on your mind.
40.    Do not starve! You will be busy doing a lot of things, surrounded by a lot of people.
41.    Amidst all this, do not ignore your health. Keep yourself hydrated and eat good food. Skipping meals or not having enough liquids will show on your face!
42.    On your wedding day just concentrate on enjoying yourself. There are other people who love you taking all the stress to make your day memorable. It’s your big day and you don’t need to worry about anything.
43.    Stay away and we mean truly STAY AWAY from kids. They shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near your room or dressing or makeup area for your own good. DON’T fall for their cuteness and innocent smiles this one day.
44.    You want to be clam and composed while getting your hair and makeup done. So while kids shouldn’t be allowed inside your room, friends who can make you giggle and aunties who can bore you with their banter and mother and sister who can make you emotional should be barred entry too.
45.    Remember, makeup is used to enhance and highlight your features and not to turn you into somebody else. Brief your makeup artist well in advance about your kind of style. After all, you don’t want to shock your man and his family.
46.    Packing for your honeymoon? Divide clothes into categories like - sexy, comfortable, stylish, evening wear, adventure and then pack enough options under each in your bag. Change your look and clothes as per your day’s plan.
47.    You will have a makeup expert and a stylist working on your look during your wedding functions. But what post that? Being the new bride, you would love to look all dolled up and pretty post marriage too. So what you need is the basic knowledge of makeup. Kohl, mascara, lip gloss, BB cream, makeup remover, moisturizer, and all about eye shadow, blushes and brushes! We all have that friend who was a beautician in her past life; ask for her help and tips.
48.    Draping a saree: It is important for every Indian woman to learn the art. Irrespective of how often you are going to wear it. Learn the tips and tricks from your mother and a few saree draping styles from your aunts or cousins who are pros. A woman looks the best in saree and as a newly bride, you might be expected to wear sarees for a few important occasions post marriage.
49.    We all have a good profile and bad one. Make sure that you keep that in mind when your wedding pictures are being clicked. Also, brief your photographer and do some practice shots to get it right on the D-Day.
50.    Bridal first aid kit: Didn’t hear of it? Well, it’s nothing but a kit with alternative options for your top, makeup, clips and accessories for your hair, and a pair of sandals. So if at all anything goes wrong at the last minute, you know you have a Plan B in place!

Friday, December 20, 2013

வாங்க மருதாணி வைக்கலாம்

ஒரு பண்டிகை விஷேசம் என்றால் முதலில் எல்லா பெண்களுக்கும் மருதாணி இடுவது தான் பிடித்த விஷியம். உடல் சூட்டை தணிக்கும் மருதாணி, உள்ளங்கையில் வைப்பதால் மூளைக்கும் நல்லது.